Monday, June 04, 2007

A Segway in London (indoors) ... and a mention for 10mph

Sorting through some photos recently, I came across some shots from April. Segway scooters pop up at irregular intervals on this blog.

I’m a fan of the project in which a couple of guys rode their Segways across the US and made a film of their journey of discovery.

While it won some awards at film festivals, there’s no sign yet of a UK cinematic release. But the DVD is now out in the US (and ships internationally) and should appear on Amazon UK soon! In the meantime, there's an iTunes download version too.

So back to the photos. It’s after 10 o’clock at night, and there’s a man scooting along the London pavement in his scooter, just down the Farrington Road from the Guardian offices. He stops at the door to a block of apartments, keys in his PIN, and then rides through the door, rides into the lobby, and ultimately rides into the lift.

I can only assume that he went upstairs, rode along the corridor, rode into his room, and parked the Segway in a built-in wardrobe … and probably fell asleep still balanced on top of it!

Trailer for 10.mph below ...

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