Sunday, June 11, 2006

A skill that won't be valued on my CV, but ...

Not too many postings this weekend. Exhausted and distracted by running an event on Friday and Saturday night, my mind and fingers have been elsewhere.

I'm beginning to wonder if live vision mixing/directing on a TV channel is any worse than my annual headache? Four cameras - one fixed to the wall, two fixed on tripods but pan and zoom, the fourth mobile.

The worst handicap is the lack of talkback to any of the camera guys. So throughout the two hours, I regularly end up with two or three identical shots of the same guitarist strumming. Oh, and the guys who helped out on Friday night weren't available on Saturday.

No major disasters - other than one camera having no tape inside so it powered off every 4 minutes! And the DVD recorder even managed to capture both the audio and video - something we didn't have time to test before hand.

On a positive note, thank goodness for Apple Macs. Robust, no, make that bullet-proof. What PC would smoothly and simultaneously run multiple Powerpoint presentations, along with a variety of MP3 music and video files?

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