Just to tidy up a loose end from a thread that ran over a couple of postings last year, Methodist College Belfast (MCB) has appointed a new principal.
Last Monday, the Board of Governors announced that Scott Naismith would take up the post of Principal from September 2007. Since 2003, he’s been head of Regent House School, Newtownards. Between 1992 and 2003, he was deputy head at George Heriot’s independent school in Scotland.
Hopefully Methody can now move on and start a new era - though it’s worth noting that after a long serving headmaster/minister/CEO, it’s quite common for whoever immediately takes over not to stay very long, but for their successor to be more permanent. Scott Naismith may benefit from Cecilia Galloway's less settled period at the school, and find his (inevitable) reforms will receive a warmer welcome.
And a quick Google shows that his namesake is a pretty good artist.

Click through for a look at the other Scott Naismith’s paintings.
The best way for Methody to move on and define a new era would be to drop the elitism and let local kids in! Also let the little buggers walk or get the bus and then it wouldn't take 40 mins to get up the Lisburn Road in the afternoon.
that's complete nonsense...mcb is a school with great pride and acadamic abilites and letting local kids in would destroy that.
Shine the searchlight over there, Sergeant.
Have to keep those dreadful, unwashed johnnies from Sandy Row and the Donegall Road away from our little darlings.
Ye Gods, they might realise that they're not living in a posh suburb of Manchester. How would they cope?
Manuel, please feel free to walk up the Lisburn Road - it would probably take you less time after all.
And local kids are quite able to get into Methody, thank you - not all local kids are stupid, despite your own experiences. I sense a little spite somewhere in there, that you maybe haven't gotten your own kids in, or yourself.
Certainly looking forward to seeing what Mr Naismith does - hopefully he'll last longer than that Galloway woman.
Mr Naismith has settled in Far better than Galloway ever did. He has been silent long enough to find out how it works and only now is he making any changes, and only those suggested by staff, parents or pupils.
He has taken a very high interest in clubs and societies - I've met him in a few of mine.
I know quite a few local kids get in, I also knwo people who get trains from londonderry or buses from Newcastle everymorning!
Naismith certainly wasn't very popular in Regent House - don't think many people were sorry to see him go, pupils or staff.
So much for well thought out reforms....he's going to close the boarding department! What madness is that? Methody will lose a huge part of what made it the great school it is today.
I GO to Methody, alright?
It's a great school and Mr. Naismith is a great principal.
Most my class are from the Lisburn or Malone Road. Local enough?
And we have the best A Level, Music Exam and GCSE results in the UK.
Beat that.
Mr N left before I started Regent, but I hate him - he wanted to change our girls' uniform from green and red to black and blue, and he said during the Schools Cup Final (Methody v Regent) that he hoped Regent would lose to Wonderful Methody.
They did. 36-0.
But still, they should've thrown a party when he left. He's a terrible head and Methody deserves him.
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