At 1pm, a short quiet blow on a whistle triggered some of the shoppers in Victoria Square to stop, frozen in time. And for two minutes, they stood like statues, while shoppers and the centre’s customer service staff wondered what has happening.

Truth be told, it takes a lot to disturb a long-time resident of Belfast, and quite a few folk just wandered on past the static figures without even batting an eyelid.

But at least a few turned back to wonder!

Belfast’s first flash mob ... I’ll update with a link to Youtube when someone uploads a video.
Update - There's something quite geeky yet potentially liberating about the whole absurd concept. Meeting up with hundreds of strangers to sing Rick Astley in Liverpool Station is fairly anonymous. Yet appear at lunchtime in the middle of Victoria Square and someone from work, or your Aunt Wendy will happen to wander past, leaving you with a lot of explaining to do. Hats off to those brave enough to participate at lunchtime.
Phil has some photos. Davy got there too late. And it was hard to hear the whistle.
Numbers would have been larger at lunchtime if the whistle hadn't gone off a little early, before everyone had arrived! Email belfast dot flash dot mob at gmail dot com or befriend Belfast Flash-Mob on Facebook to hear about the next event ... 3rd May at 2pm in Belfast. Shhhh.
Update - Fri 2 May - found the video of the first Flash Mob. Watch out for the second one tomorrow in Cornmarket (Arthur Square) at 2pm.
It's a pity there weren't more folk involved but if they are going to put these things on during lunchtime on a working day.....
i love how this was tried and typical of most things N.Ireland it was a dull & low key imitation of someone else's masterpiece!
Maybe i am being a bit harsh!
This wasn't the first flashmob in Belfast, we had one way back in 2003. Lots of people in Castle Court with balloons up their top pretending to be pregnant, then pretending to go into labour and then popping the balloon. I'd say there were about 20-30 people at it, still poor compared to the american mobs tho.
Love the balloon idea! Would be lucky not to be thrown out of Castlecourt!
Please let me know when and where
the next one is....cfafilms@hotmail.com
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