You hear stories about drivers blindly following GPS instructions up farm lanes and over fields, well off the beaten track.
But the story I read on engadget tonight was particularly disturbing. In this case, the consequence of someone believing the GPS was unfortunately felt by a third party.
A Sandy Springs man got a phone call Monday that his family home in Carroll County was gone. Torn down. Demolished.
“We had heirlooms in there…my mom’s dining room set…her hutch with her dishes in there,” said homeowner Al Byrd.
Byrd said he cannot believe his eyes.
The house his father built, brick by brick, with his own hands has been mysteriously demolished.
The demolition company said it had paperwork.
“I said, ‘Paperwork for what?’ and he said, ‘For the house, to demolish the house.’ I said, ‘I’m the owner of the house, I haven’t given anybody any authority to demolish this house,’” said Byrd.
Channel 2 Action News reporter Jovita Moore asked Byrd if the demolition company had an address.
“I said, ‘What address did you have?’ and he said, ‘They sent me some GPS coordinates.’ I said, ‘Don’t you have an address?’ (and) he said, ‘Yes, my GPS coordinates led me right to this address here and this house was described,’” said Byrd.
Quite awful. The WSBTV news report can be watched online.
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