Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Voxpopping outside Tesco ... move along please!

I’ve posted before about my love/hate relationship with Pinnacle Studio video editing software.

We quickly filmed some voxpops on the Malone Road (we cleared it of all traffic and pedestrians within a few minutes) and on the pavement outside Tesco on the Lisburn Road.

After 10 minutes the manager of Tesco came out with a security guard to ask us what we were doing – he sounded nervous that we might be asking customers about Tesco. But when he found out our questioning was about makeover shows and what people would change about themselves, he became happier and invited us in under their porch and out of the rain.

Editing the footage down to a two minute clip should have been easy peasy. Except for Studio running slow, crashing and placing captions in the wrong position on the screen.

Someone at camp was recommending software yesterday afternoon. It’s simplest to say that Pinnacle received an anti-recommendation. Ulead Video Studio got the budget vote, and Adobe Premiere Elements for those with flusher wallets.

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