Saturday, September 02, 2006

Belfast Traffic, & Shaws Bridge Play Park

The traffic on the West Link was chaotic this afternoon - not due to the well-managed roadworks, but due to a four car pile-up in the south-bound outside lane approaching the Royal.

I'm sure the insurance companies will have great fun apportioning blame - though the car in front may have been the only one driving with a proper stopping distance between them and the car in front.

The down the Boucher Road to buy a car seat at Halfords. Apparently there's a football match on - causing coaches to be neatly parked up the side of the road, and cars to be strewn - no, make that abandoned - on the road and pavement.

If we get a national stadium at Maze, will that improve Saturday afternoon shopping conditions on Boucher Road? Or will the roads just fill up with punters wanting to max out their credit cards at the renovated Fultons furnishing emporium?

Judging by people opening up boxes of newly acquired gadgets in the Halfords' car park, portable Sat Nav seems to be today's big sale. Not that it'll help find a parking space in the car park.

Called in at the newly refurbished Shaws Bridge play park on the way home. Shiny new climbing frame plunked in the middle of a marshy field, at the end of a muddy and puddle-full path. Oh, and no sign post to tell the less-adventurous public how to get in. And no swings. Not much of a play park. Let's hope the council make it more accessible - otherwise they'll have wasted their (our) money building a folly.

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