The characters were intriguing, drawing you into their mixed up lives, leaving you wanting to know more. Something we’re very familiar with in more contemporary shows like 24 or Spooks.
The original intention was to recast for a third series, and explore the lives of five new people living in the old house. However, plans were abandoned and the show was laid to rest.
Now to mark the show’s 10th anniversary the show’s creator Amy Jenkins has written a 90 minute special for the BBC to go back and see what has happened to Milly and Egg. Did Warren stick around and get a job, or did he go off travelling again? Could Anna ever calm down?
And Broadcast magazine reports that it’s all very media self-aware:
A decade on from following the turbulent lives of a group of twenty-something lawyers sharing a house in London, one of the group, who has become a commercial success after writing a book based on their friendship and a TV production company, is keen to film the group's reunion.It’s also an excuse to repeat the two series on BBC2, with the special expected to air in “winter 2006”.
sounds very dubious. Leave well alone - two seasons of self-loathing was enough!