Sunday, December 24, 2006

Bins emptied ... on Christmas Eve!

A big thank you to the East Belfast bin men who suddenly appeared on our street in their growling lorry about nine this morning.

Luckily we keep our bins near the gate, as we’d no idea they be doing their round today (Christmas Eve) in lieu of Boxing Day. So to the kind man who grabbed the overflowing bin from the driveway and emptied it, thank you.

Have a really Happy Christmas!

Update 22/12/2007 - Not so lucky in 2007 - we forgot to set the bins out and the lorry was down at the bottom of the street by the time I noticed. And this time the bin men didn't reach in to get the bin from just the other side of the gate. Ah well!


  1. Hey, your tree reminds me of the Conservative Party's new logo - Happy Christmas :-)

    ... and may yer bins continue to be emptied for evermore Amen!

  2. Merry Christmas Alan. I hope that you have a marvelous 2007. :)
