Tuesday, January 23, 2007

2012 days to get their website sorted out - hunt the podcast!

2012 days to go until the 2012 Olympics. Start queuing now!

The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games(LOCOG) have promised that it will be the greenest ever Olympics. And given the rate of global warming combined with the reality while it’ll be hotter we’ll not escape the rain, the grass around the London sporting sites will no doubt be a lush, verdant green.

According to the BBC News ...

"London Olympic Organising chairman Lord Coe and Mr Blair responded to the strategy in a joint podcast."

How modern of the London organisers! But while Seb Coe and Tony Blair may have recorded an interview to let the world know about the Games green credentials, will anyone ever hear it?

After five minutes I still hadn't found it on the London 2012 website. to find it on their website. Even using the search facility (try it yourself) didn’t throw up any results.

Ah … Blair’s involved. So maybe it’s a Number 10 podcast. Strangely not part of the existing Downing Street podcast feed listed on iTunes No, not that one. But there is a news story on their awful-styled pages. Turns out it’s on a completely different feed that errors when added to iTunes!

Nicely signposted. Ummm … might have been a waste of their time to record the interview if no one can find it or listen to it.

Update: Turns out that if I’d gone straight to the 2012 blog, I could have downloaded the MP3 of the Coe/Blair interview/podcast, but no link to an RSS feed.

Reading on further down the blog, I came across Kevin Woolmer’s story. (Not that the post actually mentions his surname!) Kevin's the vicar of St Pauls - in Stratford, not the cathedral in EC4M - and the official chaplain to the construction workers building the London stadium and other venues.

1 comment:

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    Best wishes,
