Saturday, August 01, 2015

Finding community in the strangest of places - an ecovillage, a yoga studio, a brewing cooperative & a campervan

Four people related their different experiences of intentionally creating communities across Ireland at an afternoon seminar in Corrymeela’s 50th anniversary APERTURE festival.

Davie Philip spoke about the Cloughjourdan Ecovillage in Co. Tipperary.

Elizabeth Welty introduced the audience to the community-uplifting values that underpin Flow Studio Yoga Studios in Belfast.

Matthew Dick talked about his passion for community home brewing that led to setting up the Boundary brewing cooperative (after a spell with working for Brewbot).
“If you do something interesting and beautiful and different – and you’re not an asshole – people are really drawn to that.”

Finally, Ruth Gray sped through the development of the Campervan of Dreams. (The VW relic broke down on the way up to Ballycastle, but has been busy ever since.)

Well worth a listen.

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