Sunday, July 30, 2006

BBC video podcasting - STORYFix

News this week that the BBC are going to extend their current podcasting trial into video. Around 30 programmes will be made available as video clips for download to iPods etc.

So a weekly video digest of Newsnight will now accompany the audio highlights.

One of the more interesting video podcasts on offer is STORYFix, described as

Who, when, why, and what it might have meant - the week at high velocity. Updated every Friday.

The editor Mark Barlex says it's "uniquely difficult to describe". It is short. Less than five minutes. And fast. Very fast indeed. It is just as well that it is now available as a podcast because you might need to watch it more than once. But if traditional news is not your thing, you might enjoy this.

Pick up a few new facts, probably of no use whatsoever. Have a laugh at a politician's expense. See famous presenters at moments of embarrassment. Help keep the BBC graphics department in business. STORYfix is presented by regular Emily Maitlis or the occasional guest talent, and published as a podcast on Friday evenings.

Might be worth checking out (for the first week at least).

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