Friday, May 16, 2008

Tesco replied

Two down, one to go on the tea bag front. Though there's not a lot of light in the responses.

Tesco Knocknagoney teadirect teabags

Tesco replied on Thursday night with a short, succinct summary of how they see the great Teadirect injustice.

I have looked in to this for you in conjunction with our research department and can confirm that the 80 bag box of tea is on a special offer price at the moment.

I hope this helps explain things for you.

So only Sainsburys has yet to reply ... though really none of the firms have engaged with the problem. (Update - Sainsburys did eventually reply on 3 June.)


Ruth Strong said...

I got so excited last night when I spotted a similar pricing flaw for my razor blades! Rob told me I have to blog it cos he loves reading your saga, so I'll have a post up later today hopefully.

Anonymous said...

How sad are you? Wasting your time looking for price differences in different supermarkets so you can post something on your blog. I can suggest two things for you. Firstly open your eyes when you do your shopping so you don't get ripped off. Secondly, and most importantly, get a life!

Alan in Belfast (Alan Meban) said...

No time wasted - was buying the tea anyway.

But where's your sense of injustice and of people being needlessly ripped off by giant retailers?

Do keep your sense of humour!

Ruth Strong said...

'anonymous' looks like alan does have his eyes open seeing as he's noticed the flaw in pricing. There are lots of people who just lift things assuming they're getting a good deal. Alan's doing a good public service in my opinion - especially seeing as tea is vital to folk in this country!