It’s a generic tale written by Steve Smallman which is customised for different cities. Illustrators Robert Dunn and Katherine Kirkland have done an amazing job working the Belfast skyline into the book.
The story opens with Santa asking “Have all the children from Belfast been good this year?” and an old elf replying “Well…erm…mostly”. It’s definitely fiction as the elf clarifies “they’ve all been especially good in the last few days!” and that’s somewhat at odds with the local news!
I’m no fan of the red-suited falsehood, but I gave some advice around the localisation of the story: street names, buildings, monuments and pointing out that St Anne’s Cathedral doesn’t have a bell!
Email me at alaninbelfast+santa AT gmail DOT com [there really is a plus sign in the middle of that email address] and I’ll randomly select a winner on Saturday 15 December at noon and get in touch for an address so I can post the book off to you in time for Christmas.
Alternatively, (discounted) copies are available for £3.75 on Amazon
Santa is also coming to Ireland, Dublin, Scotland, Cardiff, New York, Washington, San Francisco, Boston, ... and scores of other destinations!
Update - congratulations to Martin - book now on its way.
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