Hardly feels like a year, but it’s nearly the end of May, and Eurovision is back.
The two semi-finals are tonight (Tuesday) and Thursday - BBC Three at 8pm if you have a digital thingamajig - while the big kitsch final will be beamed out of Belgrade on Saturday night at 8pm on BBC One.
(The eight o’clock kick off pushes Lord Webber’s singing Nancys earlier in the schedule, leaving the Doctor and Donna spinning in the Tardis for a week with no adventures. Update - And it's been announced that Russell T Davies is leaving the show and handing over his show runner position to Steven Moffat at the end of the fourth series.)
Tonight’s big question is whether Dustin the Turkey will get through the semi-final. More like, will Dustin the Turkey win the semi-final! Update - time to eat my words. Dustin the Turkey fowled up and didn't make it into the top ten.
And given all the fuss around a puppet representing Ireland, like me you may not even know that the UK entry this year is called Even If. Tempting fate really … even if Andy Abraham (ex-X-factor) is a decent singer, do you think anyone will vote for UK? But none-the-less, a race to beat Scooch’s 22nd place (that’s joint 22nd out of 23) in last year’s competition.
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